분산 및 유화 안정성 측정기 New innovative particle and droplet sizer in multiphase system 유화 안정성 분산 물질의 Stability, Shelf-life 등을 측정하는 장비 MS-20


Particle and droplet size in multiphase system / 유화 안정성 분산 물질의 Stability, Shelf-life 등을 측정하는 장비  MultiScan MS-20 - 독일 DataPhysics사 제품


- The time and temperature stability of dispersions and emulsions


-  The sedimentation and creaming char-acteristics


-  The particle and droplets size distribu-tion in multiphase systems


- The coalescence and coagulation phe-nomena


Standard componentsThe MS 20 consists of the basic unit with the following technical layout:• Base unit with attachable scan tower ST which are independently available• Adaptive control of light intensity • Measuring and control electronics for digital temperature display and control• Barcode scanner for an easy and spe-cific sample registration and docum-entation• Integrated touch screen for basic oper-ation and control of all connected scan towers ST• USB interface to PC system• Integrated power supply


Optional components and accessoriesThe MS 20 follows the flexible, modular DataPhysics ‘construction kit principle’.The MS 20 is extendable with up to five directly attached scan towers ST with inert gas flush to prevent condensation at low temperatures below the due point. One ST is additional connectable over a cable for use in special environ-ment or in a tilting unit• The ST-TFC is the scan tower for the temperature setting by an optional liq-uid circulator bath• The ST-TEC is the scan tower for the temperature setting by the integrated electric resistance heater and allows the individual temperature setting on each unit; with connectors for liquid counter-cooling.


MSC 20• automatic hardware configuration recognition for all connected scan towers ST• manual and project driven measure-ments on multiple samples simultane-ously• long term and temperature controlled measurements as well as the resump-tion of noncontinuous measurement processes• representation and Multi-view data analysis for all quantities of time and temperature dependant measurements within 2D- and 3D-diagrams• calculation of sedimentation and creaming rates and of the average par-ticle diameters for the investigated dis-persions• work flow assistant facilitating the setup and completion of measure-ments and their analysis• data transfer from built-in bar code reader.


MSC 21• calculation of the initial particle size distribution from time dependant light transmission data for mono- and poyl-disperse normal distributions, logarith-mic normal distributions, RRSB and GGS size distributions applied to Stokes type and Masliyah–Lockett–Bassoon (MLB) type sedimentation laws • calculation of local particle size distri-butions during the sedimentation pro-cess from wavelength dependant light back-scattering measurements for scan towers with L2 option


MSC 22• calculation of turbidity quantities from light transmission and scattering mea-surements for sufficiently stable dis-persions during a measurement cycle• the calculation of turbidity data accord-ing to the standard ISO 7027 equivalent to DIN EN 27027 with a set of Forma-zine formulations as turbidity stan-dards for FNU/FTU/NTU/EBC/TUF/FAU referencing