분체 Suspension Emulsion 재료의 분산성 입도 안정도 변화 평가를 위한 실험실 및 실시간 온라인 공정용 첨단 측정 기기 및 원리에 대한 자료 입니다 - MCIK


분체, Suspension, Emulsion  Pastes  재료의 분산성 변화입도 변화   안정도 변화 평가   위한  최신 첨단 측정 기기  원리에 대한 자료 입니다

(1) PAT Analysis of particulate systems - from beaker to tube line and the reactor, inside of the process 

(실시간 현탁액 이멀젼의 분산성 입도 및 안정도 영상 탐지 장치 PAT & ECA  Sensors)

반응조 및 파이프라인에 직접 설치하여  실시간으로 분산성입도 및 안정도 변화 측정을 가능하게하는 독일 S&E GmbH 의 신개념의

공장용 실시간  영상 모니터링 기술을  2010 12월 부터 MCIK를 통해 구현하실수 있게 되셨습니다.


Insitu Particle Analysis Technology (PAT)!

Continuous information on size progression within the development process of droplets, particles and crystals, undiluted insitu measurement in high concentrations

Insitu PAT-Sensors for detection of particulate Changes under process conditions

- Highest selectivity and sensitivity

under original production conditions

- Optimisation of quality and purity of solids

- Increase of productivity with the formulation of new products

- Increase of production safety

- High saving of time wihtin product development

- Production quality control 24h/365 days a year

- Ex-protection versions for operational application


The Insitu PAT-Sensor is placed in the product, this may be within a laboratory beaker or directly within a supply line in pilot plant stations or process.

The PAT-Sensor System ist started and the distribution is presented on screen within seconds. Changes during measurment phases are continuously

displayed. The data are displayed as trend graph over time. Changes in production process can be detected at once and appropriate action can be

taken accordingly. The Insitu PAT-Sensor Systems provide the opportunity  to transmit data digitally and/or analogically. 

Insitu PAT-Sensor Systems - Measuring Ranges and Concentration

Possible measuring ranges  <0.5 to 4000 µm

Volume concentration in Vol%

Measurement of

< 5%

Particle Distributions

5 -> 40%

Particle System Distributions

above 60%




  • Homogenization
  • Polymerisation under EX-conditions
  • Dispersion
  • Granulation
  • Fermentation
  • Disaggregation
  • Flocculation
  • Particle and droplet size dependent crystallization

Process flow in practice


Particle Change



Droplet formation

Droplets of different compunds are homogenized

Distinct distribution shift


Blending of pigments in emulsions

Distribution of pigments in the emulsion

After the emulsion is homogen, the emulsion raw data are substracted from the pigments+emulsion data


Distribution of droplet formation during polymerisation

Droplets get larger and stabilize

Fine fraction is reduced in favour of coarse fraction


Dry or wet grinding

Particles getting smaller

Distribution change - higher fine fraction


Nucleation at precipitation

Particles grow out of nano scale

Distribution change - higher fine fraction increasing


Particle breakage or splitting

Particles getting smaller

Distribution change - higher fine fraction - lower coarse fraction


Growth of particles

Particles getting larger

Distribution change - higher coarse fraction


Agglomeration and flocculation processes

Particles form particle systems

Distribution change - higher coarse fraction - lower fine fraction



Particles dissolve

Particles dissolve


Change of shape at crystallisation

Particles deformate

Change of distribution function


(2) Powder shape analyzers 분체 입도  형상 분석기 - 연구용  공정용 /

Fiber shape analyzers 섬유소 형상 분석기 - 연구용  공정용

(a) Powdershape

Do you need a high aspect ratio capable particle sizer?

Are you looking for a quality control solution for powders or any other arbitrary particulate system?

The Powdershape system

Powdershape is a characterisation system for powders and generally all kinds of particles especially developed for quality inspection. It is unique in its set of  features, simple user interface, and rapid characterisation process from the sample preparation to the printed certificate.

The measurement range is from 1 um  to 20 cm particle size.

Two kind of  Powdershape systems exist:

·  Powdershape  - where the samples are distributed stepwise by hand on the scanner

·  Powdershape automatic - where the samples are  feeded automatically by the sample feeder on the scanner. (sample feeder: patent pending).

  • Applications: particle sizer
  • Parameters: grain size

Sand sample.


(B) Fibreshape

Looking for a tester or quality control solution for wood, natural or man-made fibres?

The Fibreshape system

Fibreshape is a quality control and characterisation system for fibre applications. It is unique in its set of features, simple user interface, and rapid characterisation process, from the sample preparation to the printed certificate.

The measurement range is from 2 um  to 30 cm fibre length.

Two kind of  Fibreshape systems exist:

·  Fibreshape  - where the samples are distributed stepwise by hand on the scanner

·  Fibreshape automatic - where the samples are  feeded automatically by the sample feeder on the scanner. (sample feeder: patent pending).


  • Applications: fineness measurement
  • Parameters: fibre thickness

Wool standard sample.



(3) 독일 Dataphysics사  MultiScan MS-20 measuring Instrument


for Particle and Stability Characterization


분산 및 유화 안정성 측정기 New innovative particle and droplet sizer

in multiphase system 유화 안정성 분산 물질의 Stability, Shelf-life 등을 측정하는

신개념 장비 MS-20