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Viscosity measurement of novel polymers and additives using a conical micro twin-screw compounder
Viscosity measurement of novel polymers and additives using a conical micro twin-screw compounder... and additivesusing a conical micro twin-screw compounder Seungrok Kimhttp://www.iscpubs.com/articles/aln/n0006kim.pdf - 44kInternation Scientific Communication Inc. (http://www.iscpubs.com) 에 소개된 Dr. Seungrok Kim 의Micro Rheology Compounding 관련 자료
Viscosity measurement of novel polymers and additives using a conical micro twin-screw compounder
... and additivesusing a conical micro twin-screw compounder Seungrok Kim
http://www.iscpubs.com/articles/aln/n0006kim.pdf - 44k
Internation Scientific Communication Inc. (http://www.iscpubs.com) 에 소개된 Dr. Seungrok Kim 의
Micro Rheology Compounding 관련 자료