Contract Testing Services now operational. The MCIK applications laboratory has state of the art equipment capable of measuring a number of parameters to characterise materials and provide interpretation of the results where necessary. A variety of information packages are now available for Korean customers who are seeking contract testing facilities. The specific application areas are as follows: • Material Processing used in Electronic Industry • Food Industries • Surface Coatings Industries • Polymer Industries • Manufacturing & Industrial Applications Shear rheology tests and extensional rheology test for fluids, Optical rheology tests, 점도 측정, 점탄성 측정, 접촉각 및 표면장력 시험, 점도 (Viscosity), 각종 Rheological parameters such as G' and G" 및 Zeta potential measurements 각종 고분자 압출, 컴파운딩 및 믹싱 관련 시험 (Master batch, Sheet film, Blown film, Fiber spinning 등)
Contract Testing Services now operational. The MCIK applications laboratory has state of the art equipment capable of measuring a number of parameters to characterise materials and provide interpretation of the results where necessary. A variety of information packages are now available for Korean customers who are seeking contract testing facilities. The specific application areas are as follows: • Material Processing used in Electronic Industry • Food Industries • Surface Coatings Industries • Polymer Industries • Manufacturing & Industrial Applications Shear rheology tests and extensional rheology test for fluids, Optical rheology tests, 점도 측정, 점탄성 측정, 접촉각 및 표면장력 시험, 점도 (Viscosity), 각종 Rheological parameters such as G' and G" 및 Zeta potential measurements 각종 고분자 압출, 컴파운딩 및 믹싱 관련 시험 (Master batch, Sheet film, Blown film, Fiber spinning 등)